Diabetes program
You must be an Ontario resident and be rostered to a primary care physician of the Plantagenet Family Health Team to have access to the Diabetes Program.
The diabetes program aims to improve the care you receive for diabetes. The program includes regular follow-up visit and helping individuals with diabetes to better manage their own care. Improvements in screening and self-management will help provide a reduction in blood sugar, cholesterol and high blood pressure that can significantly reduce the risk of heart attack, kidney disease, eye damage and other vascular complications and death.
To help individuals reach recommended blood glucose, cholesterol and blood pressure targets, the Plantagenet Family Health Team will partner with you to assist you with in goal setting, problem solving and planning. Together, patients can access the tools, required to improve their chronic condition.
If so, have you seen your optometrist in the past year?
Do you complete regular foot exams?
For more information, please visit the resources below: