Well Baby/Youth life style
The child must be rostered to one of the primary care physicians of the Plantagenet Family Health Team to access the Peadiatrics program.
The Well Baby Well Child Program consists of a multidisciplinary team consisting of your Primary Care Provider (Physician or Nurse Practitioner), Registered Practical Nurse, Dietitian and a psychologist.The goal of the program is to monitor the baby’s growth and development according to the Rourke Baby Record Evidence Based Infant/Child Health Maintenance Schedule. The team will take the time to listen to your concerns and answer your questions in a supportive, family friendly environment.
During your visit the team provides:
- Physical and Developmental Assessments
- Immunization
- Post Partum Depression screening for Mom
- Education to Parent/Caregiver
Screenings and assessments are all based on Evidenced Best Practice Based Guidelines.
The Plantagenet Family Health Team is also involved in the community schools to provide information about nutrition and exercise. We are a proud partner of Healthy Kids Community Challenge Alfred- Plantagenet and Bourget
Children Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO)
Child Car Seat
Best Start
Canadian Paediatric Society
Caring for Kids
My first pelvic exam
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI), Sexual Health Facts and Information for the public
Birth control/STDS/Sexual Health
Kids Help Phone
Eastern Ontario Health Unit resource centre – parents children
Breastfeeding Online
S.E.A.T.S. for Kids
Veto Violence