Patient/Customer Code of Conduct and Complaint Procedure Policy
The Plantagenet Family Health Team strives to treat individuals with respect and professionalism in all interactions, and we expect and require the same in return. This includes conduct whether in person, by phone, in writing, or by voicemail.
We seek to continually provide a welcoming and comfortable environment which ensures trust and respect for all patients, clients, visitors, staff, and volunteers.
In order to maintain our longstanding reputation in the community, we have established this Patient/Customer Code of Conduct Policy to specify our expectations.
Expectations of our Clients
All patients/clients of Plantagenet Family Health Team are expected to treat our employees, other clients and visitors with the utmost respect and dignity while on company property. Plantagenet Family Health Team strictly forbids discrimination or harassment of any kind, whether based on race, colour, national origin, religion, creed, sex, age, physical, mental or developmental disability, marital status, sexual orientation, political ideology or any other reason. Harassment may include unsolicited or unwelcome remarks, gestures, or physical contact, as well as the display or circulation of inappropriate or derogatory written materials or pictures.
The following is a list of behaviours that will not be tolerated:
- Physical violence;
- Verbal abuse;
- Profanity;
- Any form of harassment;
- Intimidation tactics and/or making threats;
- Malicious or harmful statements about others;
- Public disclosure of another’s private information;
- Possession of dangerous or unauthorized material; and
- Solicitation, purchase or selling of illegal substances.
Patients and/or visitors who appear to be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs may be asked to leave the premises.
Of paramount importance to Plantagenet Family Health Team is the safety and security of its employees, patients/clients and visitors. This policy is strictly enforced and non-compliance will result in corrective measures being undertaken.
The Executive Director and staff of Plantagenet Family Health Team reserve the right to exclude any person from accessing services as a consequence of violating this policy, up to discharged from the practice with no option of returning in the future.
In circumstances where there is physical contact without consent (e.g. grabbing, spitting, pushing), a police report will generally be filed to ensure appropriate records are maintained.